A teacher who was already banned from teaching slipped through net to become employed at a new secondary school – where he sexually harassed one of his pupils.
Dr Tariq Majid Qureshi, 61, was employed on a temporary contract as a mathematics teacher at St Anne’s RC High School in Stockport, between September 2018 and December 2018 – despite being banned from teaching for previous inappropriate conduct at a school in Bolton.
He went on to commit a string of sexually motivated offences against a pupil, including kissing them on the head and sliding his hand under the table to touch the child’s leg.
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His behaviour first came to light to the school in October 2018, when a pupil disclosed to staff members that Dr Qureshi had made them feel ‘uncomfortable’.
The pupil said that Dr Qureshi had told them they were ‘his favourite’ and were ‘beautiful and gorgeous or words to that effect’ and touched the pupil on the leg with his hand.
The pupil also claimed that Dr Qureshi had squeezed their face, hugged them and kissed them on the head.
Dr Qureshi was escorted off the school premises on the same day the allegations were made, with his employment later coming to an end.
A police investigation was carried out where it was discovered that the teacher had ‘behaved similarly’ whilst employed at another school.
In December 2019, Dr Qureshi was also convicted at Minshull Street Crown Court of three offences of assault by beating (battery). He was sentenced to a 12-month community order, a rehabilitation activity requirement for 15 days and a victim surcharge of £85.
A professional misconduct panel into Dr Qureshi’s misconduct has now been held and revealed that he had already been banned from teaching due to ‘child protection concerns’ and had lied in order to gain employment at the school in Stockport.
His previous misconduct related to inappropriate behaviour with young girls at his school in Bolton, telling one girl he ‘wished she was flashing’, while he slapped another girl on the back of the legs with a ruler and tickled another’s waist.
At the misconduct hearing he faced allegations of failing to disclose his prohibition from teaching as well as several allegations of inappropriate behaviour with a pupil which was sexually motivated.
All allegations were found proven.
Concluding the decision to prohibit Dr Qureshi from teaching indefinitely, John Knowles, said: “I have considered the panel’s comments ‘The panel found that Dr Qureshi’s misconduct against Pupil A was sexually motivated and/or of a sexual nature.
“The panel considered Dr Qureshi’s conduct to be dishonest and lacked integrity and the conviction for the three assault offences link to violent behaviour.’
“I have considered whether allowing for a review period reflects the seriousness of the findings and is a proportionate to achieve the aim of maintaining public confidence in the profession.
“In this case, four factors mean that allowing a review period is not sufficient to achieve the aim of maintaining public confidence in the profession.
“These elements are the three assault offences and the link to violent behaviour, the sexual nature of the findings, the panels consideration that Dr Qureshi’s misconduct was a repeated pattern of grooming and the dishonesty.
“I consider therefore that allowing for no review period is necessary to maintain public confidence and is proportionate and in the public interest.
“This means that Dr Tariq Majid Qureshi is prohibited from teaching indefinitely and cannot teach in any school, sixth form college, relevant youth accommodation or children’s home in England.
“Furthermore, in view of the seriousness of the allegations found proved against him, I have decided that Dr Qureshi shall not be entitled to apply for restoration of his eligibility to teach.”