Local services in Crewe
Visitors, students and residents of Crewe can find information about local services and amenities or visit Events to find out more about local events or Local Traders about local tradespeople.
Crewe was created when the Grand Junction Railway Company opened its Liverpool-to-Birmingham line in 1837 and then transferred its railway works to Crewe in 1843. Today railways are still important, but the town’s many other industries include automobile and clothing manufacturing.
Dentists & Dental Services
For the Dentist in Crewe the comfort of patients and their families is of the utmost importance to provide the highest level of dental care possible using the very latest techniques and equipment.
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Properties for Sale & Rent
Estate agencies in Crewe are offering a great variety of properties on the area's favourite locations. Crewe is the largest town in Cheshire East and major growth is expected over the next few years, putting it firmly on the map as a buy to let property hotspot.